Civil Defence Payments, Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund & MusicHelps Launches Emergency Flood Relief Fund

  • Civil Defence Payments, Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund & MusicHelps Launches Emergency Flood Relief Fund
Civil Defence Payments, Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund & MusicHelps Launches Emergency Flood Relief Fund

Civil Defence Payments, Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund & MusicHelps Launches Emergency Flood Relief Fund

Emergency grants are now available for people in the music community who have been affected by the destructive floods in Aotearoa.

From MusicHelps:

We have all witnessed the massive destruction as a result of the flooding events in the past week. We know there are many in our music whānau who have suffered severe damage and huge loss.

We also know that there may be some urgent and immediate support needed. Accordingly, our trustees have opened up MusicHelps Emergency Flood Relief fund and are accepting applications for emergency grants of $500 for those in the music community who have suffered significant loss or damage as a result of recent flooding events. These are available if you are living in an area where a State of Emergency has, or was, declared by the local authorities.

If you are one of those (or who know one of those) affected please complete the online application form here.

Applications are restricted to one per household and you will need to provide some evidence of how the flood has impacted you (i.e. photos, repair quotes, cancellation of work, official or insurance paperwork etc). There are a limited number of grants available – all decisions made are at the discretion of the trustees of the MusicHelps trust and are final.

Lastly, MusicHelps wants to remind the music community our counselling service is available for you. The MusicHelps Wellbeing Service is a 24/7 online, on the phone (toll free 0508 MUSICHELPS) and in person counselling service fully funded by MusicHelps and provided free of charge to those that make a living from music or who work in the arts in Aotearoa. All enquiries are 100% confidential.

You can get in touch with us now by calling our support line on 0508 MUSICHELPS or sending a message via the MusicHelps website here.

Other Financial Assistance

If you have been affected by the floods, support may also be available to you through the Work & Income Civil Defence Payment scheme. This is for help with accommodation, food, bedding or clothing, or if you haven’t been able to go to work. You don’t have to be on a benefit to qualify for a Civil Defence payment – see the Work & Income website for further information here.

Another support fund available is the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund, which provides one-off financial support to individuals, community groups and marae in Auckland who have been affected by the January 2023 Auckland flooding and landslips.

Applications are open until 27 February, or whenever the fund is fully allocated, and priority will be given to essential items and costs not covered by insurance or other agencies/funds.

Items the fund will cover are:

Essential items such as food, clothing and bedding not already provided through other agencies
Accommodation costs not already provided through other agencies
Extra financial burden/costs due to the Auckland flooding and landslips and displacement
Family or personal crisis
Utilities, reconnection costs, and various property repairs.

For more information and the online application link can be found on the Auckland Council website here.