Nicole Gaffney

Nicole Gaffney

Nicole Gaffney has been a part of Girls Rock since its inception and has been a coordinator and mentor in Aotearoa and Australia. She is a registered teacher and part time youth worker. She is based in Whanganui with her dog Remi, supporting the lower North Island To...
Oscar Mein

Oscar Mein

Oscar Mein is the singer and lyricist for Dunedin rock band Soaked Oats.
Phodiso Dintwe

Phodiso Dintwe

Phodiso Dintwe is a musician, performer, and writer from Botswana. He was raised in his maternal grandmother’s village, Lentswelemoriti, alongside the Limpopo River, a stone’s throw from his kin over on the South African side of the water. Between these two places he...