Jimmy Christmas

Jimmy Christmas

Luger Boa is the brainchild of Jimmy Christmas, former singer/guitarist for internationally successful NZ garage rockers The D4, who combines melodic choruses, loud guitars and glam swagger to create larger-than-life rock madness. Jimmy has been mentoring with our...
Jimmy Colbert

Jimmy Colbert

Managing director, producer, music Director and bassist for band 1814, Jimmy has been in the music industry since he was 13 years old, from 2003 to present. His music journey began at the age of 11. In 2001, his band ‘Crooked Tale’ came 2nd at the Smokefreerockquest....
Auckland Pride Presents: Nā Te Ārai, Ko Māhū

Auckland Pride Presents: Nā Te Ārai, Ko Māhū

In Auckland Pride’s 2024 wharetoi, they are tracing their whakapapa ki tua and looking towards the Pacific Sisters in their demonstration of utopian thinking and collective action. Nā Te Ārai, Ko Māhū Presented by Auckland Pride and supported by Tautai Pacific Arts...