2023 Pacific Music Awards – Entries Close Today!

  • 2023 Pacific Music Awards – Entries Close Today!
2023 Pacific Music Awards – Entries Close Today!

2023 Pacific Music Awards – Entries Close Today!

All entries need to be submitted online through the official entry system, with the deadline for entries being: Friday 5 May 2023.

We are happy to announce that the 2023 Pacific Music Awards will be held on Wednesday 9 August, at the Due Drop Events Centre. Holding tight to the memories of unity and family, when we returned to a live awards ceremony last year. The happiness in the room affirmed to us how important it is to gather as a community and to celebrate.

We are so motivated and excited to be working towards the 19th awards ceremony. It takes all of us, as an extended family, as a collective community, to bring the awards to life each year. The Trust wishes to sincerely thank all our artists, families, audience, sponsors, funders and the team that work on the awards event, for their support for the Pacific Music Awards.

The journey to the awards ceremony, begins with the entry process and we are happy to confirm that entries for the 2023 Pacific Music Award are now open. All entries need to be submitted online through the official entry system, with the deadline for entries being: Friday 5 May 2023.

Local Pacific artists, i.e. New Zealand citizens/residents, can be nominated for all the entered award categories except for the Best International Pacific Artist Award, which is open to Pacific artists from overseas. The recordings eligible for entry, can be singles, EPs or albums that have been released during the year of 1 January – 31 December 2022. For all the information about nominations for the 2023 Pacific Music Awards, including the 2023 PMA Terms & Conditions of Entry, please go to the Entries page on the awards website. The entered categories for the 2023 Pacific Music Awards are as follows:

Best Pacific Female Artist
Best Pacific Male Artist
Best Pacific Group
Best Pacific Gospel Artist
Best Pacific Hip Hop Artist
Best Pacific Soul/RnB Artist
Best Roots/Reggae Artist
Best Pacific Language
Best Pacific Song
Best Pacific Music Video
Best Producer
Best International Pacific Artist
Best Pacific Music Album (Aotearoa Music Award)
The Pacific Music Awards Trust are also continuing their Tautua Programme, to provide support to Pacific artists. Our last two activities were the PMA OMAC Showcase and Music in Park Favona events, which were awesome live events featuring our PMA artists. Priorities for the year ahead are partnerships, mentoring and live showcases. Thank you to everyone who contributes and supports this programme.

If you have any questions about the awards or the nomination process for entries, please contact the Trust on: pacificmusicawardstrust@gmail.com

We look forward to providing more details with you over the next coming months and sharing the celebration of Pacific music, that is the 2023 Pacific Music Awards. Save the date of Wednesday 9 August 2023!

Issued by the Pacific Music Awards Trust