Local Band Crooked Finger Share Their Debut Album, Unshackled

  • Local Band Crooked Finger Share Their Debut Album, <em>Unshackled</em>
Local Band Crooked Finger Share Their Debut Album, <em>Unshackled</em>

Local Band Crooked Finger Share Their Debut Album, Unshackled

Unshackled is Crooked Finger’s indie pop debut album, full of songs about setting free your emotions. This album also mixes the feels with pulsing rock and lighter pop genres.

The beginning of the album starts with ‘Running on Empty’ and raunchy chorus contrasts to soft, more delicate verses. This opening song sets the tone of sweet and sour, hard and soft, and the album follows the same recipe to reveal and unload differing perspectives.

Pay Attention’ is a song to strive for creativity despite criticism. ‘Paradise is Free’ brings lightness and fun again with an underlying theme that self-awareness leads to happiness and paradise.

The band share, “‘Random Sailor’ is a song about Scott Watson who we believe to be wrongly convicted and still in prison. He would have been released ten years ago if he would admit to a crime we think he did not commit. We do hope he is unshackled soon.”

The album has two songs raising mental health issues – ‘Not That You Would Say’ and ‘Stop The What Ifs’ – and another two songs with contrasting perspectives on abuse and family violence – ‘Set Her Mind Free’ and ‘Feelings So Raw’.

The album wraps up with ‘Thank You’ because gratitude is perfect to finish with.

Crooked Finger are launching Unshackled at Jam Factory, Historical Village, 17th Ave, Tauranga on the 12th July. This is an intimate venue, where the band plan to tell the back story of each song and what inspired them. For tickets and more information, please visit the Jam Factory website here.

Check out all things Crooked Finger below: