Vanessa Tottle Shares Message of Hope with ‘Lost’

  • Vanessa Tottle Shares Message of Hope with ‘Lost’
Vanessa Tottle Shares Message of Hope with ‘Lost’

Vanessa Tottle Shares Message of Hope with ‘Lost’

Trip-hop artist Vanessa Tottle shares an ode to companionship: ‘Lost’.

Sitting on her couch one winters night last year, Vanessa stared at her phone wanting to talk to someone but felt there wasn’t anyone she could connect with at that moment. Then a thought crossed her mind, what if there were other people like her, staring into the dark, not knowing to reach out. ‘Lost‘ was written and music produced in same night.

Vanessa believes it’s such a special song and a message in there for all of us, that even when you feeling low or a little lost, reach out in case someone is struggling with the dark too.

Check out all things Vanessa Tottle below: