Word Gets Around: Songwriting with Delaney Davidson And Barry Saunders

  • Word Gets Around: Songwriting with Delaney Davidson And Barry Saunders
Word Gets Around: Songwriting with Delaney Davidson And Barry Saunders

Word Gets Around: Songwriting with Delaney Davidson And Barry Saunders

This NZ Music Month, Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival are hosting quite the music spectacular! On Saturday the 11th of May, Anzac Hall will invite legendary songwriters Delaney Davidson and Barry Saunders to share their songwriting wisdoms with Lucy Cooper.

Delaney Davidson and Barry Saunders are storytellers who use music as their medium, and coming together as collaborators has taken them in new and exciting directions. “These songs just started appearing out of the kitchen air,” said Davidson, “and we were grabbing them as fast as we could.” They talk with Lucy Cooper about “the strange territory” they share making music together.

Word Gets Around: Songwriting with Delaney Davidson And Barry Saunders
Date: 11th May 2024
Time: 3:30PM – 4:30PM
Location: Featherston Anzac Hall – 62 Bell Street, Featherston 5710

Tickets can be purchased here.

For more information, visit the Featherston Booktown Karukatea Festival 2024 event page here.